Fitosociologia 42 (1) 2005

pag. 3-32: Meadows of the order Molinietalia caeruleae Koch 1926 in south-eastern Slovenia

I. Zelnik

Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail:

Vegetation and ecology of wet meadows of south-eastern Slovenia were studied in this work. The soil water-level was measured and representative soil samples from specific associations were analysed. Those stands were classified into seven associations. After the comparisons with relevés of other authors, on the base of distinct group of relevés a new association was described. Associations Gentiano pneumonanthes-Molinietum litoralis Ilijanic 1968 and Junco conglomerati-Betonicetum officinalis ass. nova were classified into alliance Molinion. Associations Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei Tüxen 1937, Scirpetum sylvatici Ralski 1931, Dactylorhizae-Scirpetum georgiani Zelnik 2004, Agrostio-Juncetum conglomerati Segulja 1974 were classified into alliance Calthion and suballiance Calthenion. Association Succisello-Deschampsietum cespitosae (Horvatic 1930) Ellmauer & Mucina 1993 was classified into alliance Deschampsion.

pag. 33-56: The vegetation of supra–forest meadows and rock crevices of Mount Erimanthos (NW Peloponnisos, Greece)

G. Maroulis & Th. Georgiadis

University of Patras, School of Physical Sciences, Department of Biology, Section of Plant Biology, Rio, 26500, Greece; e-mail:

The vegetation of supra – forest meadows and rock crevices of Mount Erimanthos (NW Peloponnisos, Greece). The study is based on 218 vegetation samplings, which have been classified with TWINSPAN and Cluster Analysis and ordained with Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). 6 plant communities are included in class Daphno-Festucetea Quézel 1964, 1 (scree formations) in Drypetea spinosae Quézel 1964, 1 in Juncetea trifidae Hadac in Klika & Hadac 1944 and 7 in Asplenietea trichomanis (Br.-Bl. In Mayer & Br.-Bl. 1934) Oberdorfer 1977.

pag. 57-69: Terminologia fitosociologica essenziale

L. Poldini1 & G. Sburlino2

1Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi, Via L. Giorgieri 10, I-34127 Trieste; e-mail

2Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università “Ca’ Foscari”, Campo Celestia 2737b, I-30122 Venezia; e-mail:

Essential phytosociological terminology. The definitions of the most important terms used in phytosociology are given. The definitions arise from the literature and from the author’s personal opinion. For a better interpretation, in certain cases examples are given as well as, when possible, French, English, Spanish and German translations of the terms.

pag. 71-95: A contribution to the knowledge of Abies alba woodlands in the Campania and Basilicata regions (southern Italy)

R. Di Pietro R.1 & S. Fascetti2

1Dipartimento di Biologia vegetale, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, P.le A. Moro 5, I-00185 Roma; e-mail:

2Dipartimento di Biologia, Difesa e Biotecnologie Agro-Forestali, Università della Basilicata, via dell’Ateneo lucano, 10, I-85100 Potenza; e-mail:

A phytosociological study regarding the silver fir woodlands of the Basilicata and Campania regions is here presented. In the administrative territory of Basilicata, Abies alba occurs both in the Quercus cerris woodlands of the sub-montane belt (Physospermo-Quercetum cerridis abietetosum albae subass. nova) and in the Fagus sylvatica woodlands (Anemono-Fagetum, Aceri lobelii-Fagetum, Ranunculo brutii-Fagetum) along the whole altitudinal range of the montane belt. In phytosociological terms the presence of Abies alba within these community types is expressed as a “relictual/residual variant”. In the Campania region, in particular in the Alburni mountains, Abies alba occurs, in impoverished populations, almost exclusively in the montane belt of Fagus sylvatica woodlands (Anemono-Fagetum). In the Mount Motola massif, however, where the silver fir finds its best expression in the regional territory, the species is abundant especially in the upper part of the submontane horizon, where it forms a peculiar woodland type together with Fagus sylvatica, Ostrya carpinifolia and Acer obtusatum. For this community type a new sub-association named Anemono-Fagetum ostryetosum is here proposed.

pag. 97-107: Comparison of short-lived ruderal vegetation of the inland and coastal regions in the southern part of the Balkan peninsula

A. Carni1 & V. Matevski2

1Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, p.b. 306, SI-1001 Ljubljana

2Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Gazi baba b/b, p.b. 162, MK 91 000 Skopje

The work presents two ruderal, therophytic communities in the southern part of the Balkan peninsula that develop early in the spring. The community occurring in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia and being under the influence of the Submediterranean climate was classified into the association Trigonello monspliecae-Anthemidetum austriacae Carni et Matevski ass. nova (alliance Sisymbrion officinalis). However, the community that was sampled on the coast of the Aegean sea was classified into the Geranio brutii-Anthemidetum chiae Carni et Matevski ass. nova (Hordeion leporini). Since the alliances Sisymbrion officinalis and Hordeion leporini are geographical vicariants, the composition of the communities does not differ with regard to the life history traits, namely the species are mostly classified into ruderal species that survive the summer drought and heat in the form of seeds. However, they differ in the geoelement structure since there are several species that are defined as Paleotemperate, Eurasiatic, Pontic and Cosmopolitic geoelements in the Submediterranean community, particularly because of colder winters. In the Mediterranean community sampled in the coastal parts, there are more elements of the Mediterranean flora element. It was established that the main difference between both communities is in the fact that in the inland community the species from the family Fabaceae prevail whereas in the coastal community they are the species from the family Poaceae.

pag. 109-119: Contributo alla conoscenza sintassonomica dei boschi del Tilio-Acerion Klika 1955 dell’Appennino centro-settentrionale (Italia centrale)

C. Angiolini1, B. Foggi2, D. Viciani2 & A. Gabellini3

1Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali “G. Sarfatti”, via P.A. Mattioli 4, I–53100 Siena; e-mail:

2Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Università di Firenze, via La Pira 4, I-50121 Firenze

3DREAM Italia S.C.r.l., via dei Guazzi 13, Poppi (AR)

Contribution to the syntaxonomical knowledge of the Tilio-Acerion woodlands in the north-central Apennine (central Italy). A phytosociological study of the Tilio-Acerion woodlands in the northern part of the central Apennine chain is presented. 71 unpublished relevés were analysed using the Twinspan software. Four groups are recognised: the first one is referred to the Ornithogalo sphaerocarpi-Aceretum pseudoplatani association in its typical form; the second is characterized by species linked with deep soils with a good presence of clay and has been referred to the new subassociation Ornithogalo sphaerocarpi-Aceretum pseudoplatani geranietosum nodosi; the third group is referred to the new association Glechomo hirsutae-Aceretum obtusati characterized by species linked with nitrophilous and saxicolous conditions of the microhabitat; the ultimate group is formed by little phytocoenose isolated in a matrix formed by exstensive pastured areas and a syntaxonomic treatments is not proposed.

pag. 121-137: La vegetazione della Riserva Naturale Regionale “Abetina di Rosello” (Abruzzo, Italia)

G. Pirone, G. Ciaschetti & A.R. Frattaroli

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, Loc. Coppito, Via Vetoio, I – 67100 L’Aquila; email: pirone @

Vegetation and plant landscape of the Regional Natural Reserve “Abetina di Rosello” (Abruzzo, Italy). The study of the vegetation of the Regional Natural Reserve “Abetina di Rosello” (Chieti) brought to identify several types of woods and grasslands. The following forest phytocoenosis show to be very interesting from a phytogeographic point of view: beechwoods with silver fir (Aceri lobelii-Fagetum abietetosum albae), gorge mesophilous mixed woods (Aceretum obtusato-pseudoplatani) of which the new subassassociation aceretosum lobelii is described, turkey oak woods (Aremonio agromonioidisi-Quercetum cerridis). As far as grasslands is concerned, the presence of the semi-mesophilous Polygalo flavescentis-Brachypodietum rupestris, typical of northern territories, is highlighted.

pag. 139-142: La prevenzione gli incendi boschivi. Il bosco soggetto di diritto, la selvicoltura sistemica e la cultura della foresta

O. Ciancio

Vicepresidente dell’Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali Forestali, Università degli Studi di Firenze;